Resetting your own Password: Not Logged Into The Portal

Resetting your own Password: Not Logged Into The Portal

  1. Navigate to “My Account” from the menu bar at the top of the portal

  2. Click “Sign In”

  3. Under the green “Sign In” button find the “Forgot password? Click here to reset it”

    1. Click “Click here”

  4. This will direct you to the “Forgot Password” page

  5. Enter your email in the “Email” field

  6. Click the green “Email Password Reset Link”

  7. Access the email this link was sent to

  8. Click on the link to reset your password

  9. You should be taken back to the portal

    1. An error message will appear if the link has already been accessed

    2. An error message will appear if the link is accessed after 10 minutes of being sent

    3. An error message will appear if the link is accessed on a device different than the one that sent the password change request

  10. This page will prompt you to enter a new password

  11. After confirming the password you should be directed to the sign in page again

  12. You can use this new password to login

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